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Sretan Uskrs

Udruženje doktora medicine anesteziologa-reanimatologa u FBiH pripadnicima katoličke vjeroispovijesti želi sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs.

2nd notice: What we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic – 2nd Symposium of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists in FB&H with international participation

Dear colleagues,  We are happy to send you second notice related to the Second Symposium of anesthesiologist and reanimatologists FB&H with international participation, that will be held in Zenica from 03rd to 05th December, 2021. We are looking forward to… Read More »2nd notice: What we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic – 2nd Symposium of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists in FB&H with international participation